The Parks Canada bargaining team met with the employer on January 17-19 to discuss non-monetary items and to table monetary proposals to improve working conditions for more than 5,000 Parks Canada members across the country.
Read the full PSAC Monetary Package
The bargaining team reiterated key issues that matter to members – wages that keep up with soaring inflation, exploitation of workers through part-time and seasonal contracts, and an acknowledgement of the unique positions of park wardens as peace officers.
We need wages that keep up, because members are already falling behind
The current collective agreement that covers Parks Canada members expired in August 2021. This means that while inflation has skyrocketed, Parks Canada members have been struggling to keep up.
If you haven’t already, use our inflation calculator to assess the value of your real wage when adjusted for changes in consumer prices to understand why we’re fighting for fair wages that keep up with rising costs.
Highlights of the Parks monetary demands
- Three years of increases that reflect real inflationary pressures on members in the hardest hit regions and the uncertainty of the year ahead
- 2021: 5.5%
- 2022: 8.5%
- 2023: 8%
- Market Adjustments and Restructuring based on internal and external comparators (see Monetary Package for full details)
- New allowances and improvements to existing allowances
- A new physical fitness allowance of $600/year
- A new term and seasonal employee housing allowance
- A new proposal tying increases for existing allowances to future economic increases
Overuse of seasonal and part-time contracts is unacceptable
From coast to coast to coast, thousands of Parks Canada frontline workers contribute to the wellbeing of communities, natural spaces, waterways, and countless other environments that we all benefit from. Parks Canada is the only known federal law enforcement department or agency that employs peace officers on a seasonal basis.
Your bargaining team is fighting for fair contracts for more than half of Parks Canada workers who do not have full-time positions even when they’re required year-round. These workers deserve a fair contract.
Show your support online for your bargaining team
Get involved!
- Member engagement is more important than ever. Fill out this survey and get involved at this critical time.
- Have questions about the bargaining process? Read our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and get informed.
What’s next?
The Parks Canada bargaining team will be meeting with the employer February 7-9 for the next bargaining session where we hope to make some progress on advancing the members’ demands. The team continues to show up for members at the table with comprehensive proposals while the employer, unfortunately, continues to drag their feet.
For questions about the bargaining process, contact your local PSAC regional office or Union of National Employees local.