International Women’s Day – March 8

International Women's Day

by Hayley Millington

When I was asked to submit an article for International Women’s Day, I was excited at the prospect. Immediately, my mind started perusing numerous options. I used the opportunity to express myself in the vein I feel most comfortable: creatively.

I felt like a poem would best capture my passion over the day and the importance of having this day acknowledged and celebrated.


Reflecting me
The women of History, Past and Present

The intertwined arms of the worldwide sisterhood
Nurturing and Protecting each nation
Sustaining all creeds and cultures

Women slain, laying bare-breasted
Suckling generations
Along grassy plains and concrete jungles

DIS-missed by governments’ regulations
BLIND-sided by society’s apathy
WAY-layed by war and disillusionment

Voices raised in earnest
Clamouring for the essentials of their irreverent sex

Straining against society’s reins
Boundaries blurred, distorted by others perceptions of gender
Survival seeping out of sisters pores, as veins bulge in anguish

And SHE, with spirit abound
Infused with the century old fights
Rises to pristine heights
Ready to lay claim to HER rights

HER stories written and retold, awaken movements
With limbs, once immobile
Now tactile and fluid

She laughs
Tears flow
Lips frown
And here SHE stands, Firmly Rooted


Reflections of me
The women of herstory, PAST and Present

This article was written by Hayley Millington as part of our member journalism program. Hayley serves on the UNE’s human rights committee as the national equity representative for women.

The new face of activism?

The new face of activism?

Imagine if 1,000 people were protesting on Parliament Hill today. That would certainly make the news, right? What if it was 40,000? Surely, politicians would be paying attention.

Well 40,000 would be the number of tweets that, in 2012, ridiculed the Conservative government’s proposed amendment to the Criminal Code of Canada: the Protecting Children from Internet Predators Act.

Don’t be fooled by the name, the bill had nothing to do with internet predators and everything to do with a government bent on getting into our hard drives without a warrant.

If you recall, this was the infamous bill that led Vic Toews to channel George W. Bush and declare that you could either stand with the government or “stand with the child pornographers.”

The bill was widely criticized and it gave birth to one of the funniest twitter hashtags in Canadian history: #tellviceverything. Basically, the twittersphere decided that if Vic Toews really wanted to know everything, it would tell Vic e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g… to the point of over-sharing.

And so Canadians started telling Vic about everything from going over the speed limit to their ovulation calendar. Even MPs joined in. Megan Leslie told Vic about her coffee-less morning due to the milk going bad. Justin Trudeau chimed in about his pressing need to pee.

At its height, the hashtag was used over 40,000 times.

Embarrassed, the government dropped the bill. Under this government, this may be the only bill to have ever been dropped in response to public outcry.

The recent #Idlenomore protests are another great example of the galvanizing force of an idea unleashed on Twitter. As activists, we can add momentum to these causes by spreading the word on Twitter.

These examples and others were discussed last week, during a 2-hour Twitter training session with the UNE’s national equity representatives. The five members are hoping to reach out to a broader audience using social media.

During the training, they were advised to keep an ear out for news shows that ask its audience share their views via twitter; it’s opportunities like these that give anyone the ability to grab the microphone of a major news show.

Many of these programs are increasingly reading tweets live on the air, as a means of engaging with their audience.

Tweets have the benefit of being short, and thus being quick to vet and quick to read. That’s why many news shows, that never had the call-in or talk-radio model, are going to Twitter for their viewer feedback.

Members were also encouraged to use Twitter as a news aggregator; following a dozen major news sites on Twitter means you can easily get all your news in one place. Another great tip is to follow some of your favourite journalists.

Some shameless self-promotion: another benefit of being on Twitter is that you’ll be able to tweet along with us during the UNE2014 convention!

Last year, the number of Canadians on Twitter grew by 80%. Are you part of the Canadians already on Twitter? Let us know in the comments below! Better yet, tweet us your thoughts at @my_UNE.


Some stellar bargaining teams

Some stellar bargaining teams


“I left that conference really impressed by our members’ passion and eagerness to get involved,” said National President Doug Marshall, referring to the recent Treasury Board bargaining conference.

“Our members weren’t afraid to step up to the plate,” added Marshall. “We have members at all level of the organization to thank for that; from local members who were involved in the bargaining process from the very beginning, to everyone who was present at the conference to cast a vote.”

By the end of the conference, four members were elected to the PA table, two to the EB table and one to the TC table.

Kate Hart, who is the UNE’s national equity representative for LGBT people, is one of the four members who was elected to the PA bargaining team during the conference. She admits, her stump speech was rather unconventional.

“You always get the three minutes to make your speech,” explained Hart.  “I decided to go for the laughs.”

She sums up her introduction as such:

“Hi. I’m Kate, I’m a trans woman and a lesbian – and I suspect my definition of ‘family’ is just a wee bit different from Tony Clements’.’”

Hart said the room erupted in laughter.

Another UNE member who scored a spot on the PA bargaining team is Natalie Rainville, a young worker from Quebec. She said she left Quebec with the intention of running for one of the coveted seats at the table.

“I thought, ‘I’m going for it’”, said Rainville. “Why not me, I’m going to try.”

While she’s never sat at a Treasury Board bargaining table, she’s got some solid bargaining experience; Rainville has twice been part of regional negotiations in the hotel sector.

“Why not put that experience at work for others?”

Looking at the 10-member bargaining team, Rainville says she can’t help but be blown away by the diversity around the table.

“There’s so much diversity, in terms of experience, age, equity members…,” she said, noting that another UNE member elected to the team, Stephane Allard, is also a young worker.  “There’s such a beautiful diversity that will really help us represent the entire membership.”

“And in terms of geography too!” exclaimed Kate Hart, who agreed with Rainville’s point. “There’s someone from every part of the country. And we have Geoff Ryan representing persons with disabilities. Equity groups, overall, have a good representation.”

Both women also said that the event was a great opportunity to meet members from other components and learn a great deal about what’s happening in other workplaces.

“I found that very valuable,” said Hart.

The conference hosted a number of speakers; many union leaders from outside the PSAC took the opportunity to express their unwavering solidarity. For Rainville, the outpouring of support and a great number of ideas have her fired up and ready to go.

“I really felt that members are determined to fight for what they have – to make no concessions,” she said. “It’s that kind of gusto that gave me a lot of pep. “

Congratulations are also due to Michael Freeman and Terrylynn Brandt who were elected to the EB team, which represents members who work in education, library science and educational support.

And some serious kudos go out to Suzanne Arsenault, who’s going to have some big shoes to fill at the TC table. During the conference, members took the opportunity to recognize the enormous contributions of Regional Vice-President Garry Larouche, of Ontario, who has participated on every single TC bargaining round since 1996!

(If you’re trying to think of a reference point, 1996 was when the Macarena was really cool…). That’s a long time, to say the least!

SSO members still fighting for fairness


Statistical Survey Operation employees took their message to the front steps of Statistics Canada, earlier this month. Despite the nasty snowstorm raging outside, there’s no way the honchos at StatsCan didn’t hear the crowd decrying these employees’ unfair working conditions.

SSO members have been at a standstill with their employer for some time now. Everything is on hold while they wait for a decision from the federal court and the Public Service Labour Relations Board. Nonetheless, the labour side remains open to resuming talks.

“Our work conditions continue to decline,” explained Géraldine Fortin, an a human rights representative for the UNE in Quebec and a member of the bargaining team.

During the demonstration, Fortin shared just how difficult life has gotten for SSO members. She shared with the crowd that her annual salary has dropped by more than 50% in just a year. SSO employees do not receive a minimum salary; their wages are entirely dependent on how many surveys StatsCan has to do, which can fluctuate greatly.

According to Fortin, many SSO members live below the poverty line.

These members definitely need our loud and fervent support.  Fortin was especially thrilled to see so much support at the demonstration, which included a ton of members who were in town for the Treasury Board bargaining conference.

“I got a lot of pats on the back,” said Fortin. “It made me feel good.”

But it was seeing her fellow field interviewers from Montreal and Trois-Rivières arrive that really gave her a burst of energy.

“They braved the snowstorm to come,” explained Fortin. “It changed my mood instantly – I jumped for joy.”

“I can’t explain how much I appreciated it. It warmed my heart.”

Fortin said that she and her colleagues often feel like they’re not understood by their employer. Those feelings were cemented after she attended the recent arbitration hearing in January.

“The way they talk about us, it’s degrading. They either don’t understand or we’re not at all on the same wavelength,” she said. “But Morgan Gay, our negotiator, made a great presentation to the labour board’s arbitrators.”

“Whether we win or lose, I’m proud. I felt that his presentation really humanized us.”


Pink Shirt Day


By Steve Houston

“Then they came for me–and there was no one left to speak for me.”

– Martin Niemöller

There were times in my youth, when a kind of divine providence would step in – between me and a group of boys determined to bully me into feeling worthless.

For reasons I could not have explained at the time, there was always one boy from the approaching mob who would say “no”. In doing so, he would pluck me from the jaws of impending doom. There would be grumbling, obviously, and he might have to brush me aside for effect.

But in that miraculous moment, I would breathe again. Never looking back, I would walk away lost in what had just happened – and I would slowly begin to feel safe in the world again. The boy and I would never become friends, but knowing he existed gave me hope that things could get better.

Pink Shirt Day taps into that kind of divine providence. We wear pink on that day to say “no”. In so doing, we form a wall between LGBT youth and the bullies determined to make them feel worthless.

But while things are generally getting better in North America, it’s not the case everywhere else in the world.

Human Rights Watch has been urging Russian authorities to address widespread violence being perpetrated against LGBT people. In some of the more egregious cases, bullies have used dating sites to lure young gay men into meeting them, before forcing them to admit their homosexuality on camera and severely beating them. Not only is Russia turning a blind eye to this violence, their rhetoric is adding fuel to the fire.

It’s for this reason that, this year, the It Gets Better project asked its supporters to direct messages of love and support to the LGBT youth in Russia. The project was launched in 2010 by Dan Savage and his partner Terry Miller in response to the overwhelming number of LGBT youth who choose suicide to end their pain. The movement has since gone global.

Instances like these make it all the more important for us to intervene – to protect vulnerable young people against those who wish to cause them harm.

On Wednesday, we wear pink to say we exist and, for a poignant moment, the world may feel like it’s a safer place to be – poignant moments like this flash mob of elementary school students at a Vancouver Giants hockey game.

Imagine that at Sochi…. If we all band together against violence, the future looks bright and pink.

This article was written by Steve Houston as part of our member journalism program. Steve Houston serves on the UNE’s human rights committee as the regional human rights representative for the B.C.-Yukon region.

Solving Homelessness

solving_homelessnessFebruary 20 is Social Justice Day, and we thought it would be interesting to talk about one of the social justice issues facing many nations: the issue of homelessness. In Canada, 30,000 people are homeless on any given night; of these, over 2,800 remain unsheltered, sleeping in cars, in parks or out on the street.

Among those most at risk of homelessness are youth, aboriginal people and victims of domestic violence.

During last year’s National Conference on Ending Homelessness, Minister of State for Social Development Candice Bergen said the Harper government is “committed to working with our partners to address this complex issue.”

And that’s how homelessness is usually presented: a complex issue without an easy solution, without a 10-step plan. But could it be as simple as giving apartments to the homeless?

Well, that’s precisely what one of the most conservative states did – and they’re on track to end homelessness by 2015. In just eight years, Utah has managed to reduce homelessness by a whopping 78 %.

The program got its start in 2005, just a few years before the worst recession since the Great Depression. And yet, the program wasn’t torpedoed in the name of austerity. In fact, despite the additional challenges posed by the economic downturn, it got amazing results.

If your brain hasn’t kablooey’ed by now, you’re probably wondering how exactly this works.

“The model allows homeless citizens freedom in their use of the system. The homeless are given access to their own apartments, while the state provides job training and offer social services, including substance abuse programs, to help residents assimilate to a steady job and social life.”

To house the homeless, the state initially drew “579 [units] from existing rental inventory, 952 from refurbished structures, and 683 [from] new construction”. If the resident is able to land a steady job, 30% of their income goes back into the state coffers as rent. If they can’t, “they still get to keep their apartment”.

“It’s actually a cost-effective way of doing it,” explained Ana Kasparian, co-host of The Young Turks. “The annual cost of E.R. visits and jail stays for each homeless person is $16,670 per year. They found out that if you provide them housing, it’s actually much cheaper; the annual cost of providing an apartment and social worker for each homeless person is $11,000 per year.

If you’re thinking this is only cost-effective because of the high cost of health care in the U.S., you’d be wrong.

The Wellesley Institute’s Blueprint to End Homelessness (2007), Shapcott argues that the average monthly costs of housing people while they are homeless are $1,932 for a shelter bed, $4,333 for provincial jail, or $10,900 for a hospital bed. Compare this with the average monthly cost to the City of Toronto for rent supplements ($701) or social housing ($199.92).

Turns out solving homelessness isn’t as complex an issue as we keep being told by politicians. Investing in homelessness prevention and housing would not only cost taxpayers less, it would be the moral and ethical thing to do.

Congratulations Local 50773


There’s some exciting news coming from the Museum of Human Rights: our members there have just ratified their first collective agreement.

“It’s been a lengthy process,” admits Regional Vice-President Martin Kaminski. “But it’s also been a very positive one.”

Close to 100% of members voted in favour of ratifying the new collective agreement, said Kaminski.

“We got really great comments from members,” explained Local President Stephen Carney, who was part of the bargaining team. “People are happy with the ultimate result.”

From the anonymous comment cards received, it’s clear that the members really appreciate the bargaining team’s hard work:


“Sounds good to me. Thanks to [the bargaining team]. I trust that they did their best and I’m happy with it,” wrote one member.

“Kudos to the bargaining team for a fair agreement!” wrote another.


For his part, Carney said he feels fortunate to have been part of the museum’s first collective agreement.

“It’s not something I had been involved in before,” admitted Carney. “I’ve worked in a union environment, but I had never been involved at the Local level or in the bargaining process.”

“It can be a really engaging experience. You end up becoming really close with your teammates.”

The Canadian Museum for Human Rights will officially open in September 2014.

Congratulations to the bargaining team: Stephen Carney, local president; Travis Tomchuk, local vice-president; Isabelle Masson, human rights officer; Tracy Thor, PSAC regional representative; and Stephen Bedingfield, negociator.


Inuit Language Week

by Geoff Ryan

Too often, Canada’s First Nations, Métis and Inuit people are grouped into a category: Aboriginal Peoples. While this makes it easier to talk about a community that generally faces similar challenges and shares a common heritage, it does leave the impression that the group is homogenous. As we know, it’s anything but!

Our most recent census revealed that Canada is home to over 60 aboriginal languages. Of these, Inuktitut is the language of Canada’s Inuit.

But the language isn’t immune to modern pressures. In 2011, 63% of Inuit reported being able to carry a conversation in Inuktitut; a 6% drop from just five years earlier.

Luckily, the Nunavut government recognizes the importance of keeping the language alive and thriving.

For 10 years now, the territory has been celebrating Uqausirmut Quviasutiqarniq (Inuktitut Language Week), each year. It’s just one of many ways the government is trying to encourage its population to learn about the language’s history and its importance to the community.

This year, Nunavut is celebrating its language from February 17 to 28, under the theme of: “Our Language Keeps Our Culture Strong”.

There are over 35,000 people who speak Inuktitut and over 28,000 who use it as the primary language in their home. Most of these people live in Nunavut, Nunavik (northern Quebec), Inuvialuit (N.W.T.) and Nunatsiavut (Labrador), but there are Inuktitut speakers in every province and territory in Canada.

So do you want to learn some Inuktitut?

Well, there is an app for that… seriously! Developed by Pinnguaq, a Nunavut-based company, Singuistics teaches Inuktitut though songs while showing you images of Inuit art. It also features traditional and original songs by Inuit musicians alongside illustrations by Nunavut’s best artists.

The app is available to download on the App Store, for iPhone and iPad. Pinnguaq Director Ryan Oliver says iPod and Mac versions of the app are coming soon.

“We’re hoping to have an Android and Windows App Store version of the App available by the end of 2014,” added Oliver. “By that time, we’re also hoping to have versions of Singuistics in 5 other Indigenous languages. We’re aiming to do Cree, Mi’kmaq, Ojibwe, Dene and Gwech’in versions of Singuistics this year.”

Oliver is also looking forward to the end of March, when Singuistics will feature four new songs, three of which are from an Iqaluit band named The Jerry Cans.

“It will provide a more contemporary look at how Inuktitut is being spoken and sung these days,” explained Oliver.

But there’s one thing an App can’t teach you: if you are looking for the Inuktitut word for “hello”… sorry, you won’t find one.

Inuit say hello with a smile.

This article was written by Geoff Ryan as part of our member journalism program. Geoff is the UNE’s national equity representative for persons with disabilities, president of Local X0150 and a resident of Nunavut for over 30 years.

Time to submit resolutions!

The Union of National Employees sent a call for resolutions earlier today. Locals have until April 11 to submit resolutions.

“We really want to emphasize what an important step this is,” declared National President Doug Marshall. “Resolutions are what empower our members at all levels to pave the way forward for our union – to decide to how we run our organization.”

Typically, Locals appoint a resolutions committee to solicit draft resolutions from their members. The committee reviews all the resolutions and prepares a report, which is presented to the membership during a general meeting. Members present debate each resolution before casting a vote. Any resolution adopted by the Local is then sent to the UNE.

But this time around, there’s a second option for members to get a resolution to convention.

“Any member can get five other members to co-sign their resolution – and that resolution will make it to our convention committees for review,” explained Marshall.

“In fact, this option exists thanks to a resolution presented during our last convention – it just goes to show how one resolution can really change how our union operates.”

Later this spring, the Union of National Employees will strike its own convention committees; these will be charged with reviewing resolutions, eliminating duplicates and drafting their own reports to convention.

These documents will be a huge focus of convention; several days are dedicated solely to debating and voting on resolutions.

To view the resolution callout letter, click here. If you missed the convention callout letter, click here.

Skippy's attack on democracy

If you can’t win the battle of ideas, rig the game. That’s basically what conservatives are up to with their latest coup: the “Fair” Elections Act.

And to demonstrate their commitment to democracy, the Conservatives are dedicating several days to debate this very important bill…. Oh wait, no. That would be in an alternate universe that makes sense.

In actual fact: the Conservatives are rushing the bill through parliament and limiting debate.

The 252-page bill makes substantial changes to the Canada Elections Act; some of which have been called Orwellian.

For starters, the bill would muzzle the chief electoral officer – only allowing him to speak about “how and where to vote.”

During an interview with CBC Radio last weekend, Chief Electoral Officer Marc Mayrand said the act would limit his ability “to provide information to the public.”

And Elections Canada would be stripped of its outreach activities: no more ads encouraging citizens to vote – because the Conservative government believes that a 60% voter turnout is good enough in this country and because Pierre Poilievre believes that “political candidates who are aspiring for office are far better at inspiring voters to get out and cast their ballot than are government bureaucracies.”

Then again, Poilievre (AKA “Skippy”) believes that the root cause of terrorism is terrorists….

But if you weren’t convinced that the Conservatives are trying to stack the deck in their favour, consider that they’re increasing donation and spending limits… because, as we know from looking at the U.S., getting more big money into politics really enhances our democracy.

The Act also borrows another Republican strategy; enacting stricter voter ID laws to disenfranchise low-income earners, students, the homeless and Aboriginal Peoples. The Conservatives are crying wolf over the issue of “vouching”, which enfranchises voters without the proper paper identification.

From Policy Debrief:

Minister Poilievre cites a study commissioned by Elections Canada, written by Harry Neufeld, which claims that the “irregularities” for vouching voting was around 25%.  Yet when one looks at the report, Neufeld is using the term “irregularities” in reference to electoral workers ‘irregularly’ applying policy, not confirmed cases of voter fraud by vouching.

But just like in the U.S., the Conservatives are going to use the widespread voter fraud bogeyman argument to make their case. Many Republican-controlled states have introduced strict voter-ID laws to “prevent voter fraud” – but really, the goal is to disenfranchise the economically-disadvantaged, students, blacks and Latinos; all of whom are likelier to vote Democratic. As many as 11% of American voters are without government-issued photo ID.

These new voter ID-laws have been heavily criticized; civil rights activist Reverend Al Sharpton has compared these laws to the Jim Crow-era poll taxes that prevented newly-enfranchised blacks from voting.

Pennsylvania and Arizona have seen their voter-ID laws overturned by the courts; Florida and Iowa launched costly investigations into the issue “widespread” voter fraud and turned up zip.

When the Brennan Institute studied voter fraud, they came up with fraud rates of 0.0002% in Wisconsin and 0.0006% in New Hampshire. Hardly a “widespread” problem.

The real threats to democracy take the form of well-orchestrated misinformation campaigns. During the 2012 presidential elections, voters in Florida, Indiana and Virginia received calls telling them to vote by phone.

These misinformation tactics aren’t all that different from what many Canadians experienced at the hands of “Mr. Pierre Poutine”. But does the so-called Fair Elections Act do anything to crack down on that type of voter suppression?

“With another election coming soon, Canadians still don’t know what really happened in 2011 or who was responsible,” wrote the Ottawa Citizen’s editorial board. “Mayrand has said that the Commissioner of Canada Elections should have the power to compel testimony; this bill does not create that.”

“The removal of investigative powers from Elections Canada is the most revealing change,” wrote the Ottawa Citizen’s editorial board.

The Council of Canadians has a petition on their website calling for a truly fair elections act here. The NDP also has its own petition calling on Parliament to reject Bill C-23.