International Women’s Day – March 8

International Women's Day

by Hayley Millington

When I was asked to submit an article for International Women’s Day, I was excited at the prospect. Immediately, my mind started perusing numerous options. I used the opportunity to express myself in the vein I feel most comfortable: creatively.

I felt like a poem would best capture my passion over the day and the importance of having this day acknowledged and celebrated.


Reflecting me
The women of History, Past and Present

The intertwined arms of the worldwide sisterhood
Nurturing and Protecting each nation
Sustaining all creeds and cultures

Women slain, laying bare-breasted
Suckling generations
Along grassy plains and concrete jungles

DIS-missed by governments’ regulations
BLIND-sided by society’s apathy
WAY-layed by war and disillusionment

Voices raised in earnest
Clamouring for the essentials of their irreverent sex

Straining against society’s reins
Boundaries blurred, distorted by others perceptions of gender
Survival seeping out of sisters pores, as veins bulge in anguish

And SHE, with spirit abound
Infused with the century old fights
Rises to pristine heights
Ready to lay claim to HER rights

HER stories written and retold, awaken movements
With limbs, once immobile
Now tactile and fluid

She laughs
Tears flow
Lips frown
And here SHE stands, Firmly Rooted


Reflections of me
The women of herstory, PAST and Present

This article was written by Hayley Millington as part of our member journalism program. Hayley serves on the UNE’s human rights committee as the national equity representative for women.