UNE has received notice that Rideau Carleton Casino will temporarily shut down all operations until further notice. During this closure, staff will be placed on temporary layoff and issued a Record of Employment (ROE). This can be used to apply for Employment Insurance. The Canadian Government has reduced the usual two-week waiting period to one.
To minimize financial impact of this transition, employees are encouraged to complete the following steps.
- Read this communication from the employer
- Download Hard Rock Ottawa’s employee App
- Consult the Guide for Hard Rock Systems (link)
Employees who wish to use their earned vacation and lieu time should email hrnotify@hrcottawa.com.
To apply for Employment Insurance, you need a Service Canada Account.
You can find information here: https://www.canada.ca/en/services/benefits/ei/ei-regular-benefit.html
You can also find a “How-to” here. https://settlement.org/ontario/employment/financial-assistance/employment-insurance/how-do-i-apply-for-employment-insurance-ei/
UNE and PSAC remain in contact with the employer to achieve the best compensation for employees during this difficult time.
If you have questions or concerns, please contact a member of your Local Executive: