February 13, 2020

In light of recent media reports that have highlighted the on-going Health and Safety (OHS) issues at the Les Terrasses de la Chaudière complex, the Union of National Employees (UNE) was contacted and has now met with senior leadership within Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC).

UNE is optimistic that this meeting could represent a constructive reset on how we will be able to effectively address the on-going building issues.

UNE’s first priority is to ensure that all of our members and any other employees at the Les Terrasses complex are afforded a healthy and safe work environment.

We intend to report back in the weeks ahead on the concrete actions that will be taken, as we continue to work with PSPC and all the Departments within the Les Terrasses complex on these critical issues.

Yesterday’s meeting is the start of what we sincerely hope will be a more collaborative way forward, and we encourage all employees at Les Terrasses to please contact your union if you have any concerns, questions or information to share regarding your health and safety in the workplace.

UNE is especially grateful to the dedicated work of all OHS representatives and Local union leaders who have continued to work on behalf of all our members to keep their colleagues safe and healthy.

UNE is working with the Public Service Alliance of Canada-National Capital Region (PSAC-NCR) Regional Offices and PSAC components Government Services Union (GSU), Union of Safety and Justice Employees (USJE) and Agriculture Union (AGR) for a safe and healthy workplace at Les Terrasses de la Chaudière.


For additional information please contact UNE Communications and Research Officer Aurélie McDonald at (613) 298-7892 or by email at