National Executive Meeting – January 2012

National Executive Meeting - January 2012

The National Executive will meet in Ottawa from January 24 to 26. The first session will start at 9:00 a.m. in the Union of National Employees boardroom.

Members who wish to attend as observers must pay all their expenses or have their Local cover their attendance. (Policy CC 8)

If your Local wishes to place an item on the agenda, please contact your Regional Vice-President and provide him or her with clear and concise information. He or she will gladly bring your issue before the executive.

About the National Executive

The National Executive is responsible for the policies, programs and direction of the Union of National Employees. Between conventions, it creates policies that help look after and make decisions about our union. The executive also carries out resolutions adopted by the members during the last convention. The National Executive meets three times per year to review the union’s activities and ensure that they reflect the will of the membership.