2017 High School Scholarships

This letter serves as a reminder that all Union of National Employees High School Scholarship applications must be received by the National President no later than March 31, 2017.

The High School Scholarship program awards ten scholarships in the amount of $1,000 – one from each region – to students in their last year of high school who are about to pursue post-secondary education.

These scholarships are designed to highlight union principles, as well as promote our union and the labour movement in a positive way. The scholarships aim to create awareness of our union within high schools and provide financial assistance to worthy students. This initiative will encourage youth to become more involved in union and social justice activities.

The criteria for the High School Scholarship program can be found on our website, at http://en.une-sen.org/what_we_do/hea/hs_scholarship_crit_e.pdf  and the application form can also be found on our website, at http://en.une-sen.org/what_we_do/hea/hs_scholarship_app.pdf .  Please ensure that you follow the criteria and complete the application form correctly.

In Solidarity,

Doug Marshall
National President
Union of National Employees, PSAC