2015 Bursaries


At the Union of National Employees, we know that education is a key ingredient of personal growth. We also recognize that there are countless barriers to continuing education. That’s why we’ve been awarding bursaries since 1977 – to make it a little bit easier for everyone to access quality education.

We offer four bursaries, each with a different goal. Hurry: the application deadline for all of these is March 31!

The Laurier Auger Bursary awards $2,000 to a UNE member – or their partner or child – who is entering the first year of post-secondary education.

The Bursary for an Adult Member attending an Institute of Higher Learning awards $1,000 to a member who wishes to attend a union-related course.

The Alfred Papineau Bursary applies $500 towards the tuition of a part-time course that will help a member participate more fully in union activities.

The High School Scholarship program awards $1,000 to a student from each of the Union of National Employees’ regions. These scholarships are aimed at high school students who are about to graduate and pursue their education at the college or university level. Regional teams are responsible for selecting a high school in their region, each year, where these scholarships will be promoted. (We even have a brochure to make this task a little easier!)

For more information on these bursaries, please consult the Annual Bursaries section of our website.