Are you a history buff?


If you love learning about the history of the labour movement, you’re in luck: over the last three years, we’ve written a few pieces about important moments in labour history. In fact, they’re among our most popular articles!

We’re making some improvements to our website to help you access more of the great content we’ve created. That’s why, from now on, we’ll be tagging these types of pieces under Labour History. You can access all the articles dealing with Labour History by clicking here. All categories are accessible using the categories menu on the right-hand side of the news page.

Here’s a snapshot of articles we’ve written so far:

Labour Day or Leisure Day: An in-depth look at Labour Day parades over the last century.

May Day: An article about the tumultuous events of May 1886, known as the Chicago Haymarket Affair

Murder in Buckingham: An article investigating how anti-union forces in the early 1900s led to the murder of two union leaders.

The Strike that Rocked Canada: A look at how the Toronto Typographical Union’s 1872 strike led to legal protections under the Trade Union Act.

Do you have a suggestion for a labour history article? Email us at