Mmmm! Tastes like hypocrisy!


The Union of National Employees is joining the Public Service Alliance of Canada in urging its members to boycott National Public Service Week.

Yes, it’s that time of year again; when the government that’s always throwing you under a bus to score political points tries to thank you for providing public services. Well, thanks but no thanks. Your ice cream tastes a little too much like hypocrisy.

If you’ll recall, on the eve of last year’s public service week, Tony Clement dropped a big flaming bag of poo on our doorstep when he announced he was coming after our sick leave.

This year, Treasury Board is celebrating National Public Service Week under the banner of “Proudly Serving Canadians”.

Let’s keep it real: our members are proud of the work they do. Yes, they proudly serve Canadians – and they do it day in and day out. That should be the message that our employer conveys to the public every day of the year. Instead, it spends 51 weeks of the year maligning its workers, accusing them of fraudulently using sick leave and being lazy.

What’s really happening on the ground? Our members continue to proudly serve Canadians, but they’re doing it with fewer resources and less support – all while the Conservatives continue to cut program after program.

Canadians are being cheated of quality public services – and our members know it.

So forgive us if we say “Thanks, but no thanks” to the burgers, hot-dogs, ice cream and insincere speeches. Actions speak louder than words; and the employer’s actions have been saying plenty!