Two rallies – One union

Two rallies - One union

June 16, 2011 – PSAC members, including National Component members, joined CAW members on the picket line in support of their strike. They were thrilled to see us there – together, we marched through the terminal and yelled “Shame, shame, shame!” to scabs working the Air Canada counter. While we were making noise in the Ottawa airport, we got news that a tentative agreement had been reached. Cheers of joy and chants of solidarity filled the terminal. We got back on the bus (and took a few CAW members with us!) and went to support members at CUPW, in the hopes we could help them accomplish the same!

The CUPW members locked out of the Ottawa sorting facility were surprised and overjoyed to see our solidarity bus arrive. One CUPW member was even overheard saying: “You brought the big guns!”

Unions standing in solidarity together: now those are big guns indeed!

Many photos of the rally can be seen on the National Component’s Flickr site!