International Day Against Homophobia – May 17

International Day Against Homophobia - May 17

May 17 is the International Day Against Homophobia. It is also the day on which the World Health Organization, in 1990, removed homosexuality from its list of mental illnesses. Over the last decades, the LGBT community and its allies have fought and won many battles towards equal rights. As a union, we are proud to stand with our LGBT brothers and sisters whenever their rights or dignity have been violated.

Despite the progress achieved in recent years, homophobia continues to be a key issue that negatively affects the LGBT community. It prevents many individuals from openly living their sexual orientation and contributes to the high suicide rate among LGBT individuals, especially among youth.

The International Day Against Homophobia provides an opportunity to work towards a prejudice-free world and celebrate our LGBT brothers and sisters’ contributions to society.

Please visit Fondation Emergence’s website where you will find a downloadable poster for your workplace.

If you wish to educate yourself further about LGBT realities, we highly recommend reading the Canadian Labour Congress’ booklet entitled To our Allies: Everything you ever wanted to know about Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans issues.

Members working at Portage in the NCR are encouraged to wear purple (or a purple accessory) on May 17; the Bureau Régional d’Action Sida (leBRAS) and Jeunesse Idem will be distributing purple triangles at Place du Centre.

Do you know of something happening in your region? Email the National Component’s Communications Officer at