Happy New Year from the UNE

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I’d like to take this opportunity to wish all our members a joyous holiday season and a Happy New Year.

To say that 2012 was a difficult year for us would be an understatement. For some, the Harper government’s attack on public services was felt very personally – for others, they had to deal with the fact that, while they were spared, their friends or family members were not. And ultimately, we all had to cope with the knowledge that our fellow Canadians and future generations would bear the brunt of these thoughtless cuts.

Brothers  and sisters, now is not the time to give up or give in. While 2012 was a terrible year, I have seen moments that give me great hope in the power of our union and the important work we do. I’ve seen countless volunteers step in to help those who are affected – some, even while they were dealing with the news that they were affected too. I’ve also seen new volunteers, who’ve had enough with this government’s treatment of public service employees, keenly interested in joining our movement.

So for 2013, I invite you to recommit to our efforts to protect the important work we do on behalf of Canadians. Let’s continue to fight together for what we know is right.

I hope you take time during the holidays to relax and re-energize. Most of all, I hope you take this precious time to connect with your loved ones and rekindle old friendships.

In solidarity,

Doug Marshall
National President
Union of National Employees