Canada Labour College

Do you want to become a stronger union leader? If so, the Canada Labour College might be for you!

Each year, the Canada Labour College offers an intensive program aimed at labour activists who wish to improve their leadership skills and deepen their knowledge of labour issues.

“If a third session was offered to me, I would jump high and yell ‘Yes, I want to go!’” said Jennifer Chieh Ho, regional vice-president of the B.C.-Yukon region. “Labour College helped me discover much about myself. I also made long-lasting friendships with sisters and brothers, across Canada, who inspired and motivated me.”

“The leadership course changed my life and everyone else’s in the class.”

For more information on the Canada Labour College, please visit the Canadian Labour Congress’ website or call them at 613-521-3400 ext. 555.

Hurry: the application deadline is November 5!