Nestled in the amazing Cape Breton Highlands National Park is a golf course; a golf course we collectively own as Canadians… for now.
The Harper government wants to put the Highlands Links golf course in the hands of a corporation. The Union of National Employees and the PSAC are fighting with all their might to keep this from happening.
This golf course, under the care of Parks Canada, is an important treasure that we must protect. Over the years, Parks Canada, with the help of hard-working public service employees, has taken great care to maintain the ecological integrity of the Highlands Links.
The golf course has also provided decent wages for hard-working Canadians in the local community. Like most public golf courses, it has also provided affordable access a sport that is notoriously expensive.
This is important to rookies, for whom the cost of private golf courses would practically bar them from strengthening their game – from pursuing their dreams.
Finally, for working-class Canadian families, public golf courses like the Highlands Links provide an affordable option for their hard-earned leisure time.
For some, there are golf courses owned by Donald Trump and the like. For the rest of us, there are public golf courses. We think that’s important. We think that’s worth fighting for.
Please sign our petition to keep the Highlands Links public.