After an exceedingly lengthy delay, the bargaining agent received on Wednesday the arbitration award from the Labour Board for our contract dispute with the House of Commons.
Highlights of the new agreement include wage increases and a pensionable lump sum payment as part of the award. The compensation won by the union in arbitration greatly exceeds the House of Commons’ offer in negotiations.
The employer has ninety days from the date of award to pay out back pay.
Other improvements include:
- Weekend premium must now be paid on all hours worked on a weekend, including overtime hours.
- Expanded access to Family-Related Responsibility Leave.
- Employees can now carry-over more vacation leave per year.
In addition, the House must under certain circumstances pay each employee additional compensation if the employer does not pay retro payment within 90 days of the issuance of the award.
The House of Commons, in negotiations and in arbitration, proposed to limit members’ ability to take leave for medical and dental appointments. They also proposed to shorten shift change notice. With the decision, we have protected our ability to access leave for all medical and dental appointments, and we have protected the notice period for shift changes.
If you have any questions, please contact a member of the Bargaining Team: Gilles Lavigne, Claude Boilard, Charles Joanisse and Ktrishia Letendre.