March 31, 2023
After more than two years of negotiations began for workers at Statistical Survey Operations (SSO), and five months since an arbitration victory, PSAC and the employer have signed a new contract including key gains for workers that we will continue to build on.
The collective agreement for more than 1,300 federal public service workers was signed on March 13 and covers the period from 2018 to 2023, expiring on November 30, 2023.
The new rates of pay, including the five per cent market adjustment, have already been processed and retroactive pay has been issued to members. The $500 implementation payment will be added to members’ March 29 pay. All other changes are effective as of the March 13 signing.
This new collective agreement closes a long round of negotiations that took place during a merger of two SSO units (field and regional offices) as well as the transfer of senior interviewers into the core public administration. The new contract replaces two previous contracts for SSO members and ensures consistency with the terms and conditions of employment for all PSAC members at SSO.
What’s next?
With this new agreement, we will begin preparing for the next round of negotiations, which should begin by the end of 2023.
Information on the input call and the national bargaining conference will be released soon. Keep your contact information up to date to receive all the latest bargaining updates.
Source: PSAC and SSO sign collective agreement | Public Service Alliance of Canada (