A gag order from the Harper government

Edith Bramwell, legal counsel for the Public Service Alliance of Canada, was recently interviewed by CBC Radio’s Carol Off. During the show, Bramwell spoke about a recent letter that Parks Canada sent to their employees about their duty of loyalty, calling it “something in the nature of a gag order.”

The letter, sent late last month, asks Parks Canada employees to refrain from public criticisms of the Government of Canada.

Bramwell says the letter gives the impression that any criticism of the government would violate the duty of loyalty. “That is a gross restraint on people’s political rights and their rights to freedom of expression,” she added.

The same sentiments were echoed by Eddie Kennedy, National Executive Vice-President of the UNE, in a recent interview with the CBC:

“If you’re in a coffee shop and you’re criticizing the Harper government and there’s someone sitting beside you and they know you work for a government department, technically you’re in violation of the code of ethics.”

Bramwell added that, given the current job cuts, some employees may fear that they could lose their job for speaking out. “That’s simply not appropriate. That’s simply not what the duty of loyalty is meant to say.”

The PSAC is currently working on a guide for members on the code of ethics and their right to speak out. We’ll let you know the minute it comes out! In the meantime, if you’re asked to take part in a media interview, please contact the UNE’s communications officer or your assigned labour relations officer.

Another somber week

Dear brothers and sisters,

It’s been a somber week for many of our members and indeed for Canadians who will undoubtedly notice fewer services.

Yesterday, 3,889 members of the PSAC, across 13 departments, were told that they could lose their jobs.

Among these are 1,964 PSAC members at HRSDC, 22 of whom are UNE members in the Labour Program. Nine other UNE members at Infrastructure Canada received the same news.

This week, we also found out that 23 positions were being eliminated at the Social Sciences and Humanities Research. Three other members were told they were losing their jobs this week; these members work at the National Arts Centre, the Canada Science and Technology Museums Corporation and the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade.

A complete breakdown of workforce adjustment notices can be found on the PSAC website.

We will have more details to share with you next week. In the meantime, let’s take care of our members and each other.

In solidarity,

Doug Marshall
National President
Union of National Employees

The Quebec regional seminar: a great success

UNE members from Quebec met in Chicoutimi last weekend to take part in a regional seminar. Among the participants were employees of Parks Canada, Statistical Survey Operations, Passport Canada Measurement Canada, the Translation Bureau and others.

Public service layoffs were a hot topic during the weekend. Participants were able to hear about how the cuts were affecting our members and the services that Canadians receive. Those whose workplaces have not been affected by workforce adjustment are nonetheless experiencing difficulties. “If someone retires, goes on extended sick leave or maternity leave, our employer isn’t filling those positions,” said one employee of Passport Canada.

Our members also took part in employer caucuses to discuss how the union can protect our members affected by workforce adjustment. Nathalie Bouchard, a young worker from Parks Local 10269, thought the discussions at her employer caucus were great for hashing out a plan of action. “We’re all on the same page now,” said Bouchard.

Participants also learned a lot about human rights, pensions and the union structure, among many other topics.

“It was a great seminar,” said Quebec Regional Vice-President Jean Pierre Naud. “I think that the communication between members was exceptional.”

Naud says the seminar was a great opportunity for our members to learn, network and share what’s been going on in their workplace. He was also quite pleased with the large participation by new activists and young workers.

We got a few pictures of the seminar on our Flickr page. Go check them out! For more information about regional seminars – or to find out when your regional seminar will be held – consult the events section of our website.