Congratulations are in order!

Congratulations are in order!

A few months ago, we featured an article that put the spotlight on four Union of National Employees members whom had been selected to attend the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) Labour College. Today, we are proud to announce that these four superstars have graduated (with high honours, most likely!).

The grads are: Sandra Bello (Assistant Regional Vice-President, Ontario Region), Layne Carr-Wyatt (Occupational Health & Safety Representative for Local X0150 in Nunavut), Jennifer Chieh Ho (Regional Vice-President, BC & YT Region), and Michèle Milotte (Regional Vice-President, NCR-Separate Employers  Region).

Each year, the CLC hosts thousands of union members seeking to enrich their knowledge of labour issues. The CLC Labour College offers an intensive program aimed at labour activists who wish to improve their leadership skills.

In his book Canadian Labour in Crisis, David Camfield notes that: “[…] union education provides an introduction to critical ways of understanding society that are almost never on offer in other forms of adult education or in the corporate media.”

Congratulations to our Labour College grads for having completed this most unique and worthwhile opportunity.

National Component Members at CLC Canadian Labour College

Union education in action!

The National Component is very pleased that four of its members have been selected to participate in this year’s Canadian Labour Congress Canadian Labour College. The first session is taking place in Port Elgin, Ontario from April 8-21. The four members are (left to right):

Michèle Milotte is President of Local 70080 in the National Capital Region. Michèle works for the National Capital Commission and is also the Assistant Regional Vice-President for the National Component in the NCR (Separate Employer) Region, among many other union activities.

Jennifer Ho is Vice-President of Local 20088 in Vancouver. Jennifer works for Passport Canada, and is also the National Representative for Racialized Members on the National Component Human Rights Committee. She is very active in her community and within the labour movement.

Layne Carr-Wyatt, Occupational Health & Safety Representative for Local X0150 in Iqaluit. Layne works for Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, and is very involved in the Iqaluit Regional Women’s Committee and Area Council, among many other union activities.

Sandra Bello is President of Local 00394 in Hamilton. Sandy works for the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety. She is also the Assistant Regional Vice-President for the Ontario Region and very active in the labour movement.