International Women's Day – March 8th, 2011

Girls' Rights Matter

The first International Women’s Day was held in 1911; this year marks the 100th anniversary. Status of Women Canada writes the following regarding this year’s theme:

The theme for International Women’s Day and Week 2011 – Girls’ Rights Matter / Les droits des filles comptent – focuses on the importance of equality and access to opportunity for all girls and women throughout their lives. This theme encourages us to reflect on the situation of girls in Canada, and to look beyond women’s relative privilege domestically, to the international context. This theme also connects to the United Nations theme for International Women’s Day 2011: Equal access to education, training and science and technology: Pathway to decent work for women. A girl who enjoys equality has a greater likelihood of being self-confident and aware of her own potential, and of being empowered to access the education, training and career opportunities that will contribute to her success in life.

For more information on International Women’s Day, please consult these links:

International Women’s Day 2011 – Status of Women Canada
Downloadable bilingual poster (PDF) – Status of Women Canada

World March of Women

On October 18th 2010, the World March of Women drew thousands of women who took part in the national rally.  The World March of Women is a movement that binds together 4500 women’s groups across 151 countries. An important gathering was also held at Bukavu in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The National Component is proud to have been represented by sisters from various Regional Women’s Committees across Quebec.

In this photo: Sister Louise Patrice, Regional Vice-President of the Outside Canada region, surrounded by sisters from the Regional Francophone Women's Committee (National Capital Region): Claudine Lance, Johanne Gosselin, Marie-Françoise Bertrand and Lisa Rossignol.